Kalo ngomongin soal SMA, cuma satu yang kepikiran sama gua............PR. Emang sih gua udah prepare dan tau kalo bakalan kaya gini cuman.....tetep shock. Minggu pertama masuk gua udah punya 6 PR di mata pelajaran yang berbeda *gubrak* bukan hal yang gua harapkan di minggu pertama gua bersekolah. Ditambah lagi di hari pertama masuk...beneeeer bener di hari pertama....sepatu gua ketuker sama sepatu siapa gatau. Yang jelas beda jauh sama sepatu gua yang baru diwanti-wanti sama bokap nyokap biar ga ilang gara-gara pas beli ga diskon. Haduuuuu mungkin emang lagi bukan rejeki yaa ;www; baik-baik ya sepatuku yang sekarang entah dipake sama anak 68 yg mana.
Sebenernya gua berkunjung kesini gara-gara tiga hal, 1.) Bosen 2.) Bete 3.)Bosen. Dan gua teramat bingung gimana cara ngelampiasinnya. PR masih numpuk ;;;AAA;;; tapi sama sekali gaada hasrat buat ngerjain, mungkin nanti abis ngepost ini bakal gua kerjain. Jadi gua mau share lagu aja ya wkwkw. Ini lagu gua gatau udah lama apa gimana, tapi yang jelas gua baru denger. Taunya sebenernya dari FF yang castnya no other than my boyfriend, Kai, di chapter itu mereka....yaaa apa ya hahaha pokoknya lagi berlovey-dovey gitudeh. Tadinya gua belum berminat ngedengerin. Cuman gara-gara Azza bilang lagunya enak, jadi gua download deh. Ternyata emang bener enaaak wkwkwkw. Sesuai sama judulnya, lagunya slow slow gitu. Kalo gua lagi nyanyi lagu ini di kelas, gua dibilang lagi galau-__-" Wanna love you in slow motiooon~
Slow Motion
I know that you've been calling me,
And I'm happy that we met.
Don't think that I'm not interested.
I'm just playing hard to get...
So much about this crazy game they call love
That I'm trying to understand,
So could you be my best friend,
Before you call yourself my man?
Why can't I love you in slow motion,
Take my time,
Take away the pressure on my mind
Really get to know you
But rewind
Wanna love you in slow motion
Why can't I?
[Verse 2:]
You seem to know just what you want
And I like your confidence
Some things a girl should never rush
Cause If you do you hurt yourself
So much about this crazy game they call love
I'm still trying to understand,
So would you be my best friend,
Before you call yourself my man?
Why can't I love you in slow motion,
Take my time,
Take away the pressure on my mind
Really get to know you
But rewind
I Wanna love you in slow motion
Why can't I
I'm too young for tears in the night
And it's too soon for this to be right
Don't wanna mess with your pride
The questions not when but why
Why can't I love you in slow motion,
Take my time,
Take away the pressure on my mind
Really get to know you
But rewind
I Wanna love you in slow motion
Why can't... I?
I know that you've been calling me,
And I'm happy that we met.
Don't think that I'm not interested.
I'm just playing hard to get...
So much about this crazy game they call love
That I'm trying to understand,
So could you be my best friend,
Before you call yourself my man?
Why can't I love you in slow motion,
Take my time,
Take away the pressure on my mind
Really get to know you
But rewind
Wanna love you in slow motion
Why can't I?
[Verse 2:]
You seem to know just what you want
And I like your confidence
Some things a girl should never rush
Cause If you do you hurt yourself
So much about this crazy game they call love
I'm still trying to understand,
So would you be my best friend,
Before you call yourself my man?
Why can't I love you in slow motion,
Take my time,
Take away the pressure on my mind
Really get to know you
But rewind
I Wanna love you in slow motion
Why can't I
I'm too young for tears in the night
And it's too soon for this to be right
Don't wanna mess with your pride
The questions not when but why
Why can't I love you in slow motion,
Take my time,
Take away the pressure on my mind
Really get to know you
But rewind
I Wanna love you in slow motion
Why can't... I?